Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Green Tea plus Tai Chi Equals Stronger Bones

It has taken nearly two thousand years for scientists to catch up to what elderly people in many Asian countries have known for years: combining an active lifestyle with daily consumption of green tea will add years to your life. The latest piece of the puzzle to be finally admitted by western science is that the combo of combining green tea and the ancient practice of Tai Chi actualy helps prevent osteoporosis and bone loss.

Reasearchers at the Laura W. Bush Institute for Women's Health at the Texas Tech University Health Science Center found that green tea prevents the breakdown of the bone's micro-architecture. Once agian, it is the powerful polyphenol antioxindents in green tea, which give it both its flavor and its color, that are thought to be responisble for this powerful effect. These antioxidnants prevented inflammation due to oxidative stress, which effective kept them healthy and supple while the practice of Tai Chi improved circulation and bone density. This powerful combo of green tea and Tai Chi is one of the secrets of Asian longevity.

You can read the full study here:

Monday, November 2, 2009

Green Tea Makes You Smarter

If you have been drinking green tea for a while than you already know this, you have probably been feeling sharper, more alert and better able to concentrate. But now science has proved that long term green tea drinking is good for the brain. And its not just the caffeine.

In a study published in the Journal of Nutrition, a team of Japanese researchers from the Shimane University Faculty of Medicine found that the learning ability of rats was improved after four weeks of administration of green tea. The rats were tested against non green tea drinking rats on mazes that are scientifically designed to test you memory and reference learning. The green rats significantly improved in both, compared to the control rats.


So lets be smart rats here at the Tea Temple. Now that it is proven that green tea is actually able to make you smarter, its time to take it a little more seriously. The researcher in the study also found that it was the antioxidants in green tea that were able to protect the brain, that caused this effect to cognitive function, particularly EGCG. High quality loose leaf green teas like the ones I sell here at the tea temple have much higher levels of antioxidants than bagged or generic teas. Do your brain a favor and get some real green tea.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

The Cure for Swine Flu

No, it's not green tea, but it is an herb. Researchers in Taiwan recently discovered that the spice asafoetida, a common ingredient in Indian curries and Iranian cuisine has the ability to stop swine flu in it's tracks. The extract, made from the root of asafoetida, was able to effectively stop the replication of the swine flu virus. So go get some, it's like $1.99 at any Indian grocery.


Green tea, however, has been shown to fight viruses as well. In a study done in Quebec, researchers found that high levels of the catechin in Green Tea called EGCG was able to inhibit several stages of viral infections. So, after you go out and get yourself some asafoetida, come back here and get some green tea.


You can put asafoetida in food, but it's is strong, so use it sparingly. Green tea , however, is delicious all day long and the results of using it just get better with time. So stock up on some bulk green tea today and get ready for swine flu season.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Green Tea may Prevent Strokes

Just another reason to become a green tea addict, my friends. New research from Sri Lanka shows that consumption of green tea protects the brain from free radical damage that is thought to be one of the predisposing factors in a stroke.


Doctors at the University of Sri Jayewardenepura, in Nugegoda, Sri Lanka studied the effects of of flavanoids from a type of green tea grown in Sri Lanka on epithelial cells in the human brain. The flavanoids were determined to help protect the cells from oxidative stress.


Green tea may just be the best overall daily tonic to help your body fight off and prevent many of the degenerative and infectious diseases that plague modern life. But the best thing about drinking green tea daily is that it tastes great and it makes you feel good, it actually puts a spring in your step. So, take a look at my selection of fine and high quality loose leaf green teas here at the tea temple and at the the daily ritual of drinking green tea to your routine

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Green Tea May Slow Prostate cancer

Breaking news, my fellow teatotallers. In a brand new study published in the journal Cancer Prevention Research, researchers have found that some of the active ingredients in green tea has been able to slow and even stop the growth of tumors in male prostate glands.


The study on the effects of green tea consumption on prostate cancer was done at the Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center, and involved 26 men with diagnosed prostate cancer who were given an isolated compound from green tea called Polyphenon E which contains high amounts of EGCG, the catechin that is reported to be responsible for much of green teas active effects.


So, if you are new here welocom to my blog, the Tea Temple, where we aprreciate teas in its many different forms for its spiritual, traditional, plasant and medicinal qualities. Feel free to browse around and please make a selection from my large variety of green teas, oolong teas, white teas and black teas and remeber that I strive to choose only the higest quality, loose leaf green teas for my customers.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Green Tea and Cervical Cancer

It seems that the newest studies being done on the health benefits of green tea are aimed at proving that the mighty effects of green tea may be able to knock out the virus that causes cervical cancer in women. In a brand new trial, researchers are testing a dose that is equivalent to 8 cups of green tea on female volunteers that are infected with the Human Papillomavirus, the virus that leads to cervical cancer.


If Green tea turns out to be effective against HPV and therefor becomes a viable alternative to vaccination and freezing of female cervixes; which is the current treatment for HPV and cervical cancer, than we can all raise a toast.

But, in truth you don't have to wait untill then, order yourself some high quality loose leaf green tea from the tea temple tea shop and drink eight cups yourself just to be on the safe side.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Jasmine Green Tea

One of the most popular ways to add flavor and aroma to green tea in by adding Jasmine flowers. There are several varities of Jasmine Green Tea available on the market, the most common being Jasmine Dragon Pearl, Jasmine Silver Needle, and Jasmine Flower green tea.

Jasmine Dragon Pearl is the most popular of these options and is made by curing the green tea leaves with jasmine petals several times untill the natural essential oil of the jasmine flower is absorbed by the tea leaves. The tea leaves are then rolled into balls, or pearls to preserve them and keep the jasmine scent from dissapating and are then packaged in airtight containers and are ready for sale. Jasmine Dragon Pearl green tea is one of my favorite everyday teas and is available at my tea shop.

Jasmine Silver Needle is made from larger tea leaves and also involves curing the tea in Jasimine blossoms. Jasmine Silver Needle is more expensive and is considered a rare tea.

Jasmine Flower Tea is a beautiful hand crafted tea that contains the blossom of the Jasmine flower within a round ball of tea that actually blooms when you steep it in hot water. This is a great tea for special occaisions and one ball of Jasmine Flower Blooming Tea can serve up to four people.

Other commonly found and sometimes reffered to simply jasmine tea and are usually made of low to common grade tea leaves simply mixed with jasmine petals. Beware, as some low end producers of Jasmine teas use artificial fragrances to scent their jasmine teas.

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